There is a Help facility In MEDbase, called 'The Master Manual' available through most screens. It offers context help on most options and screens. This Help can be reached by pressing the 'F1' key on your keyboard, or activating the Help menu in most screens.
To Bill a patient from the day list you need to highlight (click on) the patient you want to bill. Once they are selected you also select the appropriate Doctor, Billing code, and service and click on the 'Bill' option in the management window. You will then be prompted by the program to chose if you want to print the account.
A patient must be on the Day list to be able to bill them through MEDbase.
Backups should be performed regularly. We recommend backup at least daily and storage of the most recent backup tapes in a secure place, preferably away from the premises. There should be at least two separate sets of backup tapes. Backup tapes should be cycled, never use the same tape for successive backups. For more information refer to your online help manual.
Once you are logged into MEDbase from the left hand panel, select manage => billing doctors. This will bring up an entry screen for which your new Billing doctor's details need to be entered. Before you start entry you must establish that this is a new doctor by clicking on the 'New' option at the top of the entry screen. Once the doctor details are completed, and you have selected the appropriate model name and billing set, you need to click on the update option so as the information is added to your database. A message will pop up to let you know that the Doctor is not yet assigned to a practice. A doctor must be assigned to a practice, so this is the next step. Click on 'New' (the same button that was used to establish that the doctor is new to the database) and this time select Practice location. Either search for the appropriate practice through the 'find' option in the practice window, or add a new practice using the 'New" option in the practice window. when the practice is selected, click on exit from the practice window. This will bring up a message asking you if you want to associate this practice with the current doctor, if the information is correct, click 'yes', and then you will be prompted to enter the doctors Provider number for the practice. The program will not accept an incorrect provider number. Once this is complete, exit from the doctors screen, and the doctor will be ready to use on the system.
There is a Help facility in PATHbase, called 'The Master Manual' available through most PATHbase windows. It offers context help on most options and screens. This Help can be reached by pressing the 'F1' key on your keyboard, or by selecting the help option at the to of the program window.
Backups should be performed regularly. We recommend backup at least daily and storage of the most recent backup tapes in a secure place, preferably away from the premises. There should be at least two separate sets of backup tapes. Backup tapes should be cycled, never use the same tape for successive backups. For more information refer to your online help manual.