MEDbase™ is the third generation of Medical Practice Management software designed and developed by McCauley Software during the company’s twelve year involvement in the development of Medical Information Software
MEDbase™ allows complete management of both small and large general practices, specialist practices and medical centres, introducing complete support for in-practice pathology, including anlyser interfaces. It is a multi-practice, multi-doctor system and includes the capability for geographically dispersed practices and remote access via modem, e.g. from home or during patient home visits.
MEDbase™ represents a new dimension in practice management software combining the ease of use of Microsoft Windows NT/2000/XP/Business Server 2003 with the benefits of a high performance relational SQL database (Microsoft SQL Server 7/2000) and client/server architecture.
MEDbase™ Database, unsing Microsofts' proven SQL Server, provides high performance, cost effective information storage and retrieval with true 24-hour availability, data duplicaton and powerful transaction logging / data recovery. SQL Server has excellent security features ensuring confidentiality of information, even in a dial-up or internet environment. the database has proven scalabilty from single user to hundreds of users without major degradation in performance. All information is available (with appropriate security restrictions) to other windows applications via a standard Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) interface allowing easy import of daya into spreadsheets, word-processors etc. With the purchase of a Crystal Reports design licence, users can modify existing supplied reports or write their own customised reports.
"We have had MEDbase for five years, and it just keeps working" Dr Greg Crosland, Dermatlogist
".. The personal Service is as important to me as the quality of the software item, which in itself has been excellent." Dr Stephen Potter, Rheumatologist |
![]() Automate the Practice Front Desk |
![]() Cost Benefits |